Alpacadabraz NFT

Mark Toth

Brand Designer
Frontend Engineer
UI Designer
Tailwind CSS

UI Design and Front-End Development for a brand that evolved from a creative journey into a $2M revenue company, blending art, entertainment and utility.

The Alpacadabraz Genesis Collection is where it all started. Our inaugural NFT offering consists of 9,669 unique NFTs with various utilities. Genesis NFT holders include Justin Aversano, Pranksy, and Cozomo de’ Medici, among other notable figures in the NFT space.

These aren’t just JPEGs -- they represent admission to an exclusive and celebrated club and they’re often loaded with utility and perks. If you’re new to the NFT space, this is a tremendous way to jump in. If you’re a veteran, you won’t want to miss out. Regardless, our buying guide will get you started.

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