UI/UX Design Project

Charlyne Garcia


Brand Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer



Add a voice feature on Tinder

Project Overview

This project is about adding a voice feature for the profile in Tinder, so people can hear the voice and how the other person talks, before matching. I decided to include this feature in the profile’s description and also inside the editing profile section.
As a designer I had the responsibility to work on this project 1 week.

Problem Statement

The user wants to meet someone but he’s always disappointed when he finally meets the person because most of the time It doesn’t fit with the online profile.
The current design of Tinder doesn’t allow the user to have a full experience of the profile because he can just access pictures and description but no vocal interaction before matching.


The user’s goals are to meet someone with the same interests without wasting time with a non-realistic profile.

Design Process

User Research

Survey & Interview
I started to conduct a survey to have a better comprehension of the user’s fear and understand the problem more deeply.
Results of my survey are that almost everyone has ever used a dating app in order to have a relationship. Then I asked what they think about having a feature in Tinder to allow them to hear the voice of the person before matching.

It was with surprise that most were rather skeptical.

So I decided to investigate further even if my time was short. I conducted interviews where I could have qualitative datas to understand the reason why people are skeptical about the voice feature.
What they said:

If a person has a horrible voice during our first date, I will definitely not continue further.

I would love to hear the voice of the person to have a holistic impression of him.

I don’t think I will record any vocal in my Tinder’s profile because I don’t like my voice and I anyway don’t know what I would say…

This feature would be really appreciated by the user to get to know the other person without “taking the risk” to reveal more about himself by recording his own voice. So we are facing a real problem.
2. Problem statement & Hypothesis
How might we make the user confident enough to record their voice as well?
I believe that a voice feature could help users to match with more realistic profiles and encourage a relationship between them based on trust.

The voice recording will be accompanied by a topic suggestion option to make the user feel more comfortable talking about a topic rather than letting them speak without guidance.

3. Persona
So I decided to focus on one persona, Lola, a 25 years old woman looking for an experience similar to a spontaneous meeting but online due to lack of time.
4. User Flow
We have 3 different user’s flow:
The first flow is when a person uses Tinder for the first time and has to create an account. They have to go through all the steps of describing their profile including the step where they have the choice to record their voice.
In the second, the user already has an account and is taken directly to the home page with a suggestion of profiles. They have the option of listening to the voice of the profile in question as they scroll down to find out more in the description.
The latter is when the user also wants to record a voice. They then go to their profile to edit the content.
I decided to focus on the flow 2 and 3 because I assume that our user is familiar with Tinder
5. Wireframes
After some wireframes that I tested on a little panel, I decided to go further and directly start a Hi-fi Prototype.
6. Hi-fi Prototype
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Posted Nov 26, 2024

For this client, I had 1 week to work on UX research and UI design to add a feature on Tinder. The deliverable was Figma mocks & prototypes.








Brand Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer



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