Authentic brand designs for women entrepreneurs

Alison - photographe d'amour :: Behance
Alison - photographe d'amour :: Behance

Assistance with repositioning and creation of a customized strategy-based visual universe for a unique photographer.

Brand Designer
Brand Strategist
Instagram Creator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Miralta - Brand & strategy
Miralta - Brand & strategy

Assistance with repositioning and creation of a customized strategy-based visual universe for a unique client.

Brand Designer
Brand Strategist
Instagram Creator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Gaze Out - Brand identity

I assisted my client in brand introspection, defining ideal clientele, and crafting a bespoke identity with logo redesign and print collateral.

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Brand Strategist
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign