New Jersey, USA
🚀 $996,815.69 EMAILS (November 2023)
$211,814.39 BFCM Email Result
🚀 7 Figure Ad-Account 1.9X ROAS
$12K Email Revenue, $6K During BFCM
Website Facelift - 2.7% Conversion Rate and 5x Revenue Boost
Achieving a 4.05% Conversion Rate Throughout 2023
6-figure brand's 44% of revenue just from emails
Email Design Examples
Over 20% Boost in Email Marketing Performance
Increase of 2%+ in your conversion rate under 1 month
60% Lift in Engagement
44% Lift in Conversions
CR Increased by almost 100% in 2 weeks
Lucky 2's - $222.22K in 22 Days
$152K in a Week, 23% Profit Margins
$177K in 6 Days, 2600 Orders, 31% Profit Margins
$284K in a month, 2140 Orders and 35% Profit Margins
Shopify Websites Design / Optimization / Emails
Case Study - (Multiple 6-Figures in Just 4 Months)
Case Study ($100K/Yearly to $100K Profit Monthly!)
Brand Identity Consulting Website Optimization + Marketing
Fivver Account
Brand Consulting + Customer Retention
Brand Strategies + Marketing Strategies + Website Design