Golden Warriors is a small business : online boutique that was looking for direction. A clothing company looking to start online and expand to one day be a in house boutique. I was able to work extremely close with the owner of this start-up. We started by finding the brand identity, customer avatar, specific niche, and overall messaging. Then, converting this information into the profitable boutique of her dreams. I worked hand and hand with the owner to portray all of this through her online presence. Creating the website design, graphics, copy, and tone to connect directly with her customers and build a community of happy customers.
The client's key problems they wanted to solve: how to be seen( Brand identity), Specifying their Customer Avatar, and Website Optimization.
Solution: I took our processes and built out a brand identity sheet specific for their niche implementing their brand mission, we did a deep dive into their competitors and heuristic research. Then we used all of this information to help connect with their developers and redesign a to a high converting.
The client's success one month after relaunching is shown below!