Your Digital Swiss Army Knife

Mushroom Rise | Web Development
Mushroom Rise | Web Development

Mushroom Rise are dedicated to providing customers with the highest quality functional mushroom extracts, backed by rigorous scientific research.

Web Designer
Web Developer
UI Designer

Raindance Film Festival | Social Ad Strategy and Management
Raindance Film Festival | Social Ad Strategy and Management

Raindance is an independent film festival and film school that operates in major cities including London, Los Angeles and New York

Marketing Strategist
Social Media Strategist
Digital Marketing Specialist
Facebook Ads
Facebook Business Manager
Facebook Pixel

Mealll | MVP Creation
Mealll | MVP Creation

Mealll is an AI powered meal planning app built to help its users eat more healthy home cooked meals and to hit their fitness goals faster.

SEO Specialist
Web Developer
AI Developer

Studio Bagru | Website Redesign
Studio Bagru | Website Redesign

Bagru is a small Indian town located thirty kilometers outside of Jaipur – the capital of Rajasthan. Studio Bagru work with tradtional textile artisans.

Web Designer
Web Developer
UI Designer

Apparition Digital | Brand Design and Landing Page Creation
Apparition Digital | Brand Design and Landing Page Creation

Apparition Digital create app store videos for startups.

Web Designer
Web Developer
UI Designer | Personal Site Creation | Personal Site Creation

My personal home on the web!

Web Designer
Web Developer
UI Designer