Cenario’s Pizza • $340k/Year Webflow Transformation
How I helped a struggling pizzeria capture $340k/year with a custom Webflow site that streamlined orders, hiring and operations.
Web Designer
UX Designer
Webflow Developer
Cenario's Pizza • Visual Design Drives 35% Revenue Jump
How my visual design sprint helped a beloved culinary institution boost revenue by 35% and transformed their in-store customer experience.
Brand Designer
Print Designer
Visual Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Faranak Shahroozi • Specialized Webflow Design & Dev Sprint
Designed and engineered a powerful Webflow site for a concert pianist whose music enchants royalty, Hollywood & The White House.
Web Designer
UX Designer
Webflow Developer
Faranak Shahroozi • Logo & Brand Sprint for 500K Audience Launch
Crafted a calligraphic logo, typography suite, and brand essentials for a concert pianist whose performances span royalty, Hollywood and The White House.
Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Logo Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop