When writing in the travel niche, I focus on delivering the most valuable content from a personal perspective. Whether you are willing to share the best hidden gems in Europe, the tastiest food or your best tips on budget travelling, your target audience wants to know how to do more with less, how to save time and money while building the best memories.
Below you will see samples of travel content created for myself and my clients:
Walking along the Via Francigena in 2021
Association Européenne de la Via Francigena
Originally, the Via Francigena was a pilgrimage going from Canterbury to Rome, going through France and Switzerland. However, nowadays, the European Association of the Via Francigena (EAVF) is promoting slow tourism and sustainable travel. Of course, these forms of travelling are very important for us, so when they contacted us we didn’t hesitate to accept to join them!
This blog post details my partner and I 4 days walking trip in Tuscany. We used our experience to spread words about slow and sustainable tourism.
Bohemian Switzerland: Top Places that will blow your mind InspiringExplorers
Every nature lover should have Bohemian Switzerland on its bucket list! This place will blow your mind with the colors, the rock formations, the peacefulness, basically everything! With this article, we hope to show you the best places to visit in Bohemian Switzerland!
This blog post shares details of an unknown region of Czech Republic, from advices on the best time to visit to a list of unmissable spots, there's everything to help travelers plan their future trip.