Kaspersky, Bring On OPSEC

Eric Sternberger



Video Editor

Video Producer

Adobe Premiere Pro

DaVinci Resolve

Final Cut Pro

My client Kaspersky Lab was planning a booth at the Web Summit 2019 in Lisboa - the biggest technology conference in the world.
That Years Web Summit brought great speakers (like Edward Snowden) and important discussions for the future of technological innovation to the stage. How will advancing digitalisation change the world in the coming decades? Would increased data protection inhibit innovation? Are we utilising our technologies correctly?
That´s where Kaspersky was coming into play. As a cybersecurity company they wanted to make a statement about operational security in the IT realm. A rather dry topic that is difficult to convey. So they came up with the idea to make a film about it.
Thats when Katja Meyer the Marketing Director of Kaspersky Europe and their marketing agency Berkeley Communications in Munich contacted me.
We came up with the idea to put it into a typical James Bond/Mission Impossible narrative and use that as a backdrop for a small story. We developed the idea in 2-3 Weeks. After they gave their Go, I immediately gathered a small team together and we planned the shoot.
I was Creative Producer/Director and choose the location and cast. After the shoot I was also responsible for the post production supervision.
The client was very happy how it came out. The clip ran at the Kaspersky booth for the whole duration of the summit. In 2020 I was awarded for the TELEVISION & CORPORATE MEDIA AWARDS at the World Media Festivals in Hamburg.
World Media Award 2020
World Media Award 2020
You can watch the clip here:
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Posted Nov 18, 2024

A short story that shows the importance of IT security in a business environment. Production, Direction, Editing; World Media Award 2020






Kaspersky Lab



Video Editor

Video Producer

Adobe Premiere Pro

DaVinci Resolve

Final Cut Pro

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