Gods Like Us - Tomorrow Unlocked

Eric Sternberger



creative producer

Another Film-Project with my client Kaspersky Lab. After the succes of our former projects, I had the idea to produce a documentary series with topics that the company would relate to, achieving an indirect but effective marketing impact with it.
This was a kind of new, but the director of the Kaspersky related platform "Tomorrow Unlocked", Rainer Bock liked the general idea. Since we didin´t have any concrete topics yet, I casted two Film Students at the Berlinale Filmfestival 2020 who were pitching something in the realm of technology and medicine. After agreeing on their script, we started the project in 2020.
The international co-production with Tomorrow Unlocked, freethink, Paradoks Film and infocus shows the latest developments in science, medical research and art and takes us into the border area between what is scientifically feasible and what is ethically conceivable through captivating personal stories.
We had to plan and organize shoots in countries like England, Germany, the US and als Russia - mostly throughout the pandemic.
During 2021-2022 we managed to produce a three part documentary series with an extremely high production value. The series was bought by One Gate and will soon be released for streaming.
I was the executive producer for this project.
You can watch a teaser here:
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Posted Nov 26, 2024

The three-part documentary web series deals with the question of how we will technically intervene in the natural evolution in the future.






Kaspersky Lab



creative producer

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