Will tracing platform

Marcus Potts

UX Researcher
Product Designer
UI Designer
In Australia, there exists a significant gap in services catering to individuals seeking to locate the wills of their deceased loved ones. This absence of a dedicated solution creates frustration, uncertainty, and delays in the execution of estates, often leading to emotional distress and financial complications for families.


Standard Search:User submits request for basic will location inquiry.
Investigative Search (Approved or Denied):User submits request for in-depth will location investigation. Request either approved or denied based on criteria.
Correspondence with the Law Firm:Communication established between user and law firm regarding request status and privacy settings.
OPS Team Notifications and Fulfilment of Investigative Searches:OPS team notified of approved investigative searches. OPS team fulfils approved investigative search requests.


Launched Australia's first consumer ill tracing platform
It was a special moment when we could deliver this project as it was a market that had not been tapped in to. It was great to offer help to people with deceased loved ones.
20 orders in 24 hours
This was a large achievement, with the push of sale and market we were able to get 20 orders passed in the first day.
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