If you know your credit score isn’t the highest this next tip will definitely save you money on application fees. Although no leasing agent can approve you prior to applying, applicants with major credit blunders should investigate application deal-breakers beforehand. Each property management company has its own policy for handling applicants with low credit, bankruptcies, and evictions. When speaking to office staff don’t make the conversation about you, but instead, focus on understanding the office’s approval policies. For instance, while bankruptcy can scare away private landlords many property management companies will approve someone with legal documentation that their debts have been discharged. Each company has its own waiting period post-bankruptcy and some communities will accept you within two years of the original filing. If you want to start the credit repair process many leasing agents can tell you which credit bureau they pull when checking your score. Since credit reports from different credit bureaus can show different information you can focus your efforts on raising one of your fico scores instead of all three.