ironhack | Helped a growing community of developers

Jorge Morado

Product Manager
Web Developer
Technical Recruiter
Angular Material

Situation: I had a passion for programming and teaching, and I wanted to share my knowledge and skills with other aspiring developers. I was offered a position at ironhack, a worldwide programming and tech school that offers intensive bootcamps and courses in web development, data analytics, and UX/UI design.

Task: My task was to collaborate with ironhack as an assistant teacher and a technical interviewer, helping enable students achieve their goals and conducting technical interviews for candidates to upskill and assess skills. As an assistant teacher, I would support the lead teacher in delivering the curriculum, providing guidance, feedback, and assistance to the students, and grading their assignments and projects. As a technical interviewer, I would evaluate the candidates’ technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and motivation for joining the ironhack program.

Action: To accomplish this task, I did the following:

I defined the scope of my collaboration with ironhack, including the objectives, expectations, and responsibilities. I reviewed the curriculum, the schedule, and the evaluation criteria of the ironhack program. I also familiarized myself with the tools and platforms used by ironhack, such as github, slack, zoom, and

I aligned my collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, such as the lead teacher, the students, the candidates, and the ironhack staff. I communicated the vision, value, and timeline of my collaboration clearly and frequently. I also involved the key stakeholders in the planning and execution of my collaboration, soliciting their feedback and input along the way.

I managed the stakeholder and vendor relationships, ensuring clear and frequent communication, collaboration, and coordination. I used tools such as trello and LMS to manage the projects, tasks, and workflows. I also used tools such as zoom and slack to communicate and share information with the stakeholders and vendors. I also created and maintained contracts, agreements, and invoices with the stakeholders and vendors, ensuring transparency and accountability.

I addressed the technical and data nuances of my collaboration, such as compatibility, security, scalability, and accuracy. I ensured that the tools and platforms used by my collaboration were compatible with each other, and with the students’ and candidates’ needs and preferences. I also ensured that the data collected and processed by my collaboration was secure, compliant, and ethical. I also ensured that my collaboration could scale up or down according to the demand and capacity. I also used tools such as google analytics and hubspot to measure and optimize the performance and impact of my collaboration.

I collaborated with ironhack as an assistant teacher and a technical interviewer, using various tools and platforms, such as github, slack, zoom, and As an assistant teacher, I supported the lead teacher in delivering the curriculum, providing guidance, feedback, and assistance to the students, and grading their assignments and projects. I used github to review and comment on the students’ code, slack to communicate and share resources with the students, zoom to conduct live sessions and office hours with the students, and to run and test the students’ code. As a technical interviewer, I evaluated the candidates’ technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and motivation for joining the ironhack program. I used zoom to conduct the interviews, to give the candidates coding challenges, and hubspot to record and report the interview results.

Result: My collaboration with ironhack was a successful and rewarding experience, thanks to the careful planning and execution, and the collaboration and cooperation of all the stakeholders and vendors. My collaboration enabled the students to achieve their goals and graduate from the ironhack program with the skills and confidence to pursue their careers as developers. My collaboration also helped ironhack to select the best candidates for their program, ensuring a high-quality and diverse cohort of students. My collaboration also improved my own skills and knowledge as a developer and a teacher, as well as my network and reputation in the industry.

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