As a UI/UX Designer for our product team, you are developing a unique mobile e-commerce app. Tasked by the Product Manager, you are designing modules for a new feature: Cash on Delivery (COD). With an Empathy Map of user research data, you can understand their issues and create effective designs.
In less than a week, I've developed personas and identified key concepts for our project. The aim is to establish verified sellers (those highly recommended), confirm checkout processes, and introduce an informative pop-up regarding cash on delivery. This pop-up, enhanced with illustrations, will increase user confidence when utilizing the new feature.
verified sellers
We've developed a distinctive feature that effortlessly identifies verified sellers (those highly recommended by other users). Equipped with eye-catching badges, this feature ensures users are immediately aware of the seller's credibility.
confirm checkout processes
The system includes a final review stage for users to confirm product selection and payment details. This crucial step ensures awareness of order quantity, promoting transparency, and reducing potential errors before completing the transaction.
informative pop-up
Creating some comprehensive pop-up notification for our Cash on Delivery feature. This pop-up aims to inform users about the feature and make our platform more user-friendly, streamlining the shopping process and enhancing user experience.