Literacy Rate in Tamil Nadu

Pritesh Parmar


Data Visualizer

Data Analyst


I have created a tableau dashboard for Literacy Rate in Tamil Nadu.
As per details from Census 2011, Tamil Nadu has population of 7.21 Crores, an increase from figure of 6.24 Crore in 2001 census. Total population of Tamil Nadu as per 2011 census is 72,147,030 of which male and female are 36,137,975 and 36,009,055 respectively. In 2001, total population was 62,405,679 in which males were 31,400,909 while females were 31,004,770. The total population growth in this decade was 15.61 percent while in previous decade it was 11.19 percent. The population of Tamil Nadu forms 5.96 percent of India in 2011.
Literacy rate in Tamil Nadu has seen upward trend and is 80.09 percent as per 2011 population census. Of that, male literacy stands at 86.77 percent while female literacy is at 73.44 percent. In 2001, literacy rate in Tamil Nadu stood at 73.45 percent of which male and female were 82.42 percent and 64.43 percent literate respectively. In actual numbers, total literates in Tamil Nadu stands at 51,837,507 of which males were 28,040,491 and females were 23,797,016.
The Tableau link for dashboard:
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Posted Jan 11, 2024

I have created a tableau dashboard for Literacy Rate in Tamil Nadu. The Tableau link for dashboard:






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