Visual Concept for MOLOблогерстVO!

Solomiia Shalaiska

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Motion Designer
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere Pro
The main challenge was to combine 3D with flat objects because client's style was already approved and I had to stick with the guidelines they gave. It may look cool in static but now always in motion. I felt that professionals may see this dissonance but as this project was made for youth, not experts in design field, I decided not to discuss this issue but to go with the flow and be more playful, open my mind to more easy way of seeing motion videos. Viewers see my videos not the way I see it. Most of the time they don't see what is wrong — if they see it at all — they feel. I did my best in making those bumpers feel natural and up-beat. 
The project is implemented by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine. The purpose of the course is to help young bloggers and social activists to take their blogs to a new level. Special attention will be paid to the social component in the course program. Popular Ukrainian bloggers and opinion leaders are among the speakers of the course.
"MOLOblogerstVO!" is a course that will help young people see a problem, analyze information, conduct fact-checking, and ultimately create interesting, high-quality, and unique content. We are convinced that some young bloggers-noun names will become real thought leaders in the future, and we at UNFPA want them to create not only entertaining but also socially useful content," - says Jaime Nadal, UNFPA Representative in Ukraine.

Solomiia Shalaiska

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