
Amar Yadav

Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Web Banner Design
Tailwind CSS

StyleFusion : MERN Stack Clone of charlestyrwhitt.com


This repository contains a MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack clone of online men's clothing store, Charles Tyrwhitt (charlestyrwhitt.com). The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the implementation of a full-stack e-commerce website, showcasing features similar to the original site.


User registration and authentication.
View product details, including images, price, description.
Add products to the shopping cart and proceed to checkout.
Manage user profiles and order history.

Technologies Used

Frontend: React.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, JWT for authentication.
Deployment: Deployed the application on render.com .


Registration Page.
Login Page.
Home Page.
Products Page.
Product Details Page.
Shopping Cart and Checkout Page.
Order History Page.

Getting Started

To run this application locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
Change into the project directory:
Install the dependencies for both the frontend and backend:
Start the development server:
cd backend npm run server
cd frontend npm start
Access the application in your web browser:
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the application running.


The project was inspired by the design and functionality of charlestyrwhitt.com.
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