
Amar Yadav

Logo Designer
Frontend Engineer

Airline Booking Management Project

This project is an Airline Booking Management System built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON Server. It provides functionality for user login, signup, flight booking, and ticket confirmation.


User authentication: Users can sign up and log in to access the booking functionality.
Flight booking: Users can book flights, specifying source, destination, date, class and number of passengers.
Ticket confirmation: Users receive a confirmation ticket with booking details.

Technologies Used

JSON Server


Signup Page

Login Page

Flight Booking Page

Available Flights Display Page

Ticket Confirmation Page

Getting Started

Clone the repository:
Install the dependencies:
cd airport-portal npm install
If you want to use local JSON Server not the deployed JSON Server then, change the url in case of fetching and posting to localhost:3000 in place of this url ( in the JS files
Start the JSON Server:
json-server --watch db.json
Open the index.html file in your web browser

Project Structure

signup.html : Landing page with signup form
login.html : Landing page with login form
booking.html : Flight booking page
flightDisplay.html : Available flights display page
ticketConf.html : Ticket confirmation page
css/ : Directory containing CSS stylesheets
js/ : Directory containing JavaScript files for different functionalities
img/ : Directory containing images
db.json: JSON database file containing flight and user data
screenshots/ : Directory for storing project screenshots
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