Co-creating Research Papers: The 'State-of-the-Art' is this.

Ahmed Bokhari


Case Study Writer

Medical Writer

Article Writer

Evidence-based Detail. Delivered. Always!

A good research paper has some features: a good research protocol, careful data collection, application of descriptive and inferential statistics, reporting results methodically, and last but not least, a 'poetic' discussion section that seamlessly weaves the papers' findings with existing research (IMRaD).
For the last five years, I have been guiding clients through the entire research process on Upwork. These collaborations included just about all formats of medical research, including:
Original research article
Systematic review (PRISMA based)
Case study
Literature review
Research proposal prep
Today, I am a Top-rated PLUS medical author on Upwork with $40K plus earnings and counting. My Upwork profile can be viewed here: (
And my ORCID ID number is 0009-0002-2394-8905.
Below are some of my published works (in PubMed-indexed journals) done for Upwork clients:

The test of the pudding is in the eating!

I value client feedback. Period. This is one of the most pivotal factors of my success in developing long-term clients (73% of my Upwork clients are with me for more than 3 months). A few of my clients are with me for years!
Here are some highlights from what my clients are saying:

"He did an excellent job, and I loved working with him. His communication was excellent, he fulfilled all deadlines, and his abilities were remarkable. Recommend" (Medical Systematic review article)

"Dr. Ahmed has valuable and varied skills with a high quality of work. He is also very cooperative and quick in communicating and responding to messages/emails. In addition, the doctor is fully committed to the schedule and may even complete the work before that." (systematic review)

"I hire a lot of people off of Upwork and am not usually impressed by quality or value. It's a needle in a haystack game. Ahmed is that needle.” (Fast, Fluent, Inexpensive Writer Needed (Multiple Roles) Looking forward to chatting with you regarding the specifics of the project."

Since Upwork doesn't allow Contra to import client feedback and portfolios, I had to copy-paste some of the client feedback I got on Upwork below for your perusal:
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Posted Apr 28, 2024

I am a published medical author, with expertise in almost all formats of medical research, including original, systematic reviews and meta-analyses.






Case Study Writer

Medical Writer

Article Writer

Create Evidence-Based, Engaging Health Blogs & short Books
Create Evidence-Based, Engaging Health Blogs & short Books
Creating Anatomy Illustrations & Images
Creating Anatomy Illustrations & Images