Creating Anatomy Illustrations & Images

Ahmed Bokhari



Adobe Premiere Pro

Google Drive

Microsoft Office 365

A picture is (DEFINITELY) worth a thousand words!

First-year medical students will tell you how crucial their Anatomy atlases are for their learning about the human body. Anatomical illustrations, images and schemata are indispensable tools in learning human anatomy, offering visual clarity, perspective, clinical relevance, interactivity, and enhanced memory retention. In addition to medical education and healthcare in general, anatomy illustrations are important in:
Biomedical Research (physiology, pathology, and biomechanics rely on anatomical illustrations to visualize and communicate their findings)
Medical Publishing (publishers of medical textbooks, journals, atlases, and educational materials)
Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Industries
Forensic Science
Art and Animation
Veterinary Medicine
Fitness and Sports Science
Museum and Exhibition Design
A medical anatomist colleague and I (a medical physiologist) collaborate on human anatomy-related illustrative work for clients on Upwork. And we can do the same on Contra.

Some samples

Please find below some anatomical illustrations and some info-graphs done for clients:
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Posted Apr 24, 2024

Looking to get accurate medical and anatomy diagraphs, illustrations, and other info-charts made? Bookmark this portfolio!







Adobe Premiere Pro

Google Drive

Microsoft Office 365

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