Centerfin - Wealth management iOS app

Ross Chinni

Mobile Designer
UX Researcher
Product Designer
About: A fintech bringing sophisticated portfolio management to the everyday investor
Role: Head of Design


The first version of the app took 12 months to be launched in the app store, navigating through many technical challenges and a major provider change along the way. During my remaining time there we continued to add support for new account types, partial transfers and collect and report on new data to remain in compliance with new laws. The business result was 100+ signups and over $10m in deposits to Centerfin for them to manage (AUM). With this, Centerfin was able to raise a pre-seed raise.


Roboadvisors, Traditional IRAs and stock picking are the most common investment options for most people; Centerfin sought to give the everyday investor high end portfolio management that’s typically reserved to high net worth individuals. I joined as the first designer and 3rd employee and was tasked with designing the MVP and working with development and 3rd party financial partners to ensure the final product’s UX.
Establish Design Objectives
Establish Design Objectives
I used design as a tool for casting vision. I knew much of the ideas would not make it to MVP, but the team needed to have an sense of where we were going before we could establish the steps required to get there.
The initial explorations focused on the Home screen. These explorations show similar content in different ways with different focuses. It was also used to help explore the app’s architecture.
The final design was a worthy start to the bigger vision.
A bulk of the effort in the early stage was figuring out: the connection to other institutions, using our 3rd party APIs for bank connections, collecting the proper details for 401k and IRA transfers, and ensuring compliance with FINRA
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