- Website redesign

Ana Stoyanova


Web Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer

Adobe XD

About is the first influencer marketing agency in Bulgaria and one of the leaders in influencer marketing. One of my tasks was to redesign their existing website, and work with the existing brand style, by expanding it and providing a clearer vision of who they are as a brand to for their clients and influencers.
Montserrat (for the headings) and Roboto (for the paragraphs) are matching sans-serif fonts, easy to read and as a bonus – they support the Cyrillic alphabet, which is widely preferred by their target audience. Homepage Crafting a captivating homepage layout requires a skillful hierarchy of elements. This seamless flow guides the viewer’s gaze effortlessly.
Our homepage design employs an intuitive progression: starting at the header, moving through content, and landing on the sidebar. The essence of the company is introduced, followed by structured campaign data and an exclusive influencer showcase.
In the center, the “How we work” segment unfolds in four steps, each enhanced with an interactive icon. This encourages visitor engagement and drives them to explore further, eventually reaching the “Corporate Social Responsibilities and Events” section. This posed a challenge in balancing brevity, which led to dividing it into two parts with a scroll, preserving attention.
Blog Experience In the realm of, a prolific publisher of social media articles, events, and influencer interviews, speed was paramount for the blog page.
Surveying their diverse articles, I decided to categorize them into four groups / Influanswer, Influencer Talks, Social Responsibility, Articles /. This strategy prioritizes recent content, offering readers the choice to delve deeper within a chosen category or explore other topics effortlessly.
The outcome is a significantly faster-loading page that preserves user experience.
After the website was ready, I continued to work with on developing an application for one of their most popular influencers.
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Posted Nov 14, 2023

Website for the leading influencer marketing agency in Bulgaria






Web Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer

Adobe XD

Ana Stoyanova

Senior Designer and Illustrator with UI & UX experience

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