Custom Website Design & Development

Fatima Zehra

Web Designer
Web Developer
Webflow Developer
Adobe XD

The purpose of this website is to showcase the work of designer & creative director, Fatima Zehra. Not only that, the website also aims to showcase a more personal side of the creative director to connect with her target audience on a more intimate level.

The website was custom designed from scratch on Adobe XD and developed on Webflow. The design adhered the brand's guidelines, including typography, colour palette and overall aesthetic. The layout was carefully crafted considering the visitor's journey map, intention of the website's influence on the designers career and the overall purpose the website served as part of the overall brand strategy.

The content was also produced in-house with occasional use of stock imagery and videography to reflect the animated, bubbly nature of the designer, as well as, fit the brand's aesthetic and strategy.

The result is a minimalistic but animated website that reflects the fun and bubbly side of the designer's personality but also showcases her creative abilities and potentials via cinematic imagery and well-crafted website design.

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