Invest - commission-free investing in equities on different exchanges like NYSE, Deutsche Börse, etc.
Contract for difference (CFD) - financial agreements between the company and its clients on Forex, Commodities, Indices, Stocks, etc
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I was part of the project as Lead Software Engineer responsible for:
Scaling the product from 50k to 2m users
Build and develop a software development team from scratch
Communicate the business needs with other teams and create a team roadmap
Manage all task execution within the team ensuring constant product improvement
Setup framework for continuous delivery and quality assurance
Top 5 achievements:
Optimize trade execution and business operation resulting in millions in revenue improvements
Migrate internal communication to event-driven, which allowed the system to handle millions of active clients
Build 2 team - backend team with 15 people and BI team with 3 people
Design and implement BI system from scratch to help employees from all teams better understand the business
Create multiple environments and frameworks with automated tools for testing and deployment. This allowed us to scale the team and work and start working on multiple business topics simultaneously.
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Posted Sep 23, 2024
Trading financial instruments directly on the exchanges (NYSE, Deutsche Börse, etc.) or like CFDs.