Rhodiola is Key to Running a 10k Like You’ve Done it Before

Klarrisa Howell


Content Writer


Google Docs


We won't spam you like an infomercial, but Rhodiola (Rhodiola Rosea L or RRE) is tested and proven to increase physical stamina. Of course, you’ll need to couple training with continuous use, but eventually, promising effects come sweeping around the corner like you were the one late to hang out.
Now here's the thing, stamina is a skill that you can train, but stamina is more about mental than physical training. If your brain says you can’t do it, guess what the body will do? It will stop. You'll stop running. Stamina is all about keeping that pep in your step and making it to the finish line. It’s a mindset. How can an herb help with that? Let’s dig in.
Rhodiola traditionally has been used in Europe for increasing high altitude tolerance and a number of other things. Fun fact, Russians used the herb to improve work performance in harsh climates. But today, it’s used to increase energy levels, stamina, strength, and mental capacity. That’s a lot, a lot of good stuff for people trying to do crazy, but admirable things, like willingly running 6 miles.

Understanding How Rhodiola Works

So how does this magic happen? Well, the main adaptogens found in RRE influence the release of stress hormones. In clearer words, it has a positive effect on preventing and healing non-specific stress damage. And in terms of running that 10k, Rhodiola has been shown in clinical animal trials to “boost energy metabolism.” The plant has been used for centuries as an adaptogen that improves resistance to fatigue-causing stress and naturally increases energy levels.
Ultimately, together with physical training, Rhodiola can improve fitness performance. As a result, the herb has a positive impact on the mind. It sets up your body, optimizing it so it becomes more capable of processing and dealing with stress. And running a 10k is taxing, it’s both a test of mental endurance and physical ability. In those scenarios, a person wants to be able to rely completely on their perceived expectations body and mind. They want to finish the race, and they expect to. We’d like to think health supplements are a tool to help you accomplish your biggest goals.
Rhodiola is the energy boost you may be missing and here’s how to add it seamlessly to your diet. Our Boost Metabolism Drops contain more than Rhodiola and all its energy-boosting, stress-fixing effects we just talked about. We formulated the drops to include other natural metabolism boosters like Maca, Rhodiola, and Astragalus.
This formula was made to boost your mood, reduce cortisol-caused belly fat, and optimize thyroid function with regular use. We don’t believe that maintaining a healthy weight has to be difficult— and whatever marathon goals you have, don't need to be more challenging. The feeling of seeing your true potential will be incredible, and there's nothing better than that for self-confidence.
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Posted May 6, 2023

We won't spam you like an infomercial, but Rhodiola (Rhodiola Rosea L or RRE) is tested and proven to increase physical stamina. Of course, you’ll need to coup…






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