Content Writer
Google Docs
Mental Rest: an act of letting your brain relax, process information, and make connections.
Emotional Rest: Crucial for good mental health, increased productivity in numerous areas of life, and healthy friendships.
Spiritual Rest: Clear your mind and seek your holy. Spiritual rest helps fortify your will to live well. Whatever you believe in, let it nourish you and keep you spiritually fed.
Sensory Rest: Are you feeling overwhelmed but don’t know why? Are you spiraling down multiple Reddit holes a night? Doom-scrolling, or staring at a screen for way more hours than you should be and it feels awful? You’re more than likely experiencing sensory overload.
Creative Rest: Experiment and engage with things that are unfamiliar to you to feed your creativity.
Social Rest: Become involved more in communities that build you up, and less in those that wear you down.
Posted May 6, 2023
Are you experiencing the burnout trifecta: stressed, tired, and depleted? And getting to bed early every night isn’t fixing it? That's for a reason. Sometimes,…
Content Writer
Google Docs