Liferay Workflow Builder - SaaS Workflow Interface

Arthur Coninck


Web Designer

User Researcher

Product Designer

Adobe Illustrator



Workflow Process Builder is a powerful path tool that helps big organizations to make it possible to define any number of business processes, deploy them, and manage them through an interface. It's part of the Business Operations suite for Liferay DXP.
The Challenge
Amid the pandemic, my first challenge was to adapt to the online workshop format. Through research, I adjusted the method, process, and application to fit the new context. During meetings with Product Managers and Product Owners, it became clear that the product needed to deliver a better user experience, considering that out of thousands of users, less than 14% were using the product. We established the following challenge: "Simplify the user experience and flow creation to streamline complexity and increase performance.”
Discovery & Context
Problems & Opportunities
After many opportunities we found a good way, thinking in the visual canvas and the human behavior of drag and drop, fun activities of connection and organization, what after can enable the user to easily improve they flows and best visualize the all information.
Understanding the user behaviors and the possibilities with that, creating the contexts and details about the “MVP” functions into each tool, were needed to enable the user to easily recognize the functions and tools, so I created many versions using card color and many other tries, what really solve the problem, but create an interface disbalance, so my idea was apply the colors into the icon, what was a cool solution and help us to visualize the items in the same way.

5. Delivery

In the process of delivering and handing over the designs to the development team, it was necessary to document all the components with usage rules, status, colors, and mapped possibilities. From the documentation and updates to the Lexicon, several other projects started using the new icons and components, which had a very positive reception from the public. As with any process, it depends on a lot of hard work to discover new errors and previously unmapped possibilities. That's when I created a development process that, together with other designers, Product Manager, and Product Owner, aligned expectations, ensured maximum delivery quality, and minimized future bugs or unforeseen scenarios.
The process consisted of 6 effectives steps:
Meeting presentation of context and project;
Daily meetings focused on questions and problems;
Meeting Front-end and Back-end delivery in Prototype;
Design Q/A;
Engineer Q/A.
User test;
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Posted Oct 4, 2023

Workflow Process Builder is a powerful path tool that helps big organizations to make possible define any number of business processes, deploy them, and manage








Web Designer

User Researcher

Product Designer

Adobe Illustrator



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