Lovin' Oven Pizzeria Brand Development + Strategy

Yes, Chef! Studio

Brand Strategist
Adobe Illustrator
Google Drive


Lovin’ Oven is a queer-owned and operated vegan pizzeria, located in the heart of Glassell Park in Los Angeles, CA.

Marrying the art of traditional Italian pizza-making with culinary craftsmanship and sustainability, Lovin’ oven utilizes 100% organic, locally sourced, plant-based ingredients to offer an unmatched savory experience that is as good for the taste buds as it is for the planet.

The challenge was to identify key opportunities in positioning to distinguish Lovin’ Oven from primary competitors in the LA segment.


Implementing a voice like Molly Baz as inspiration, keeps copy and marketing inline with relevant food social media culture. Breathing life into the brand and highlighting key foundational components like “queer-owned” and “vegan” put Lovin’ Oven in its own category.

Our website: https://www.yeschefstudio.com/

Full Project: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:6a68fd9a-3980-3449-96f0-02d36adb7068

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