Empower Yourself: A Mental Health Guide for the New Generation

Kiara Pillay


Project Manager


Social Content Design



With the rise of social media and the internet in recent years there has been a need for more Mental Health and wellness awareness. We live in an ever-changing world which has become fast-paced and this leads to the new generation facing many challenges such as social, personal and academic pressure.
It is important to build a good mental health relationship at a young age so that when you are older and far in your career you can acknowledge what boundaries need to be set for a healthy lifestyle. Gone are the days of traditional mental health interventions. There is now a need for more modernised techniques. This article is a mental health guide which can be enjoyed by the younger generation.

Mental Health Tools

It is important to start finding mental health tools that work the best for you. Some prefer personal tools such as journaling while others prefer talking about it such as in group settings. Since social media and the internet have become a comfort space for many, it is important to use it as a tool to benefit you. This could involve:
Find an influencer or celebrity that spreads Mental Health content in a positive way and in a way you can relate you.
Check out websites that focus on mental health such as Better Health.

Set Goals

Setting goals is a way of self-motivating yourself and allows a way to keep track of your progress. Set goals that YOU need to better your life. An example of a goal can be to make an appointment with a mental health professional and make sure you go to it. It can also be following a checklist every day and keeping to it. Work at a pace you feel comfortable with and this will help you create a positive space for yourself.

Fostering self-confidence

Confidence is a key element in unlocking new doors in your life. Having a good relationship with self-confidence will have you trusting yourself and your potential which leads to great social connections and the motivation to obtain and accomplish large goals.

Learn to treat yourself and others with kindness

Treating others with kindness gives you a feeling of accomplishment. Remember there is so much going on in the world now and showing someone kindness could make their day a whole lot better. Never underestimate the power of helping someone when you can.
Image from The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
Image from The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation

Set Limits

As discussed above, social media is a great tool to use. However, it can also be overwhelming. Therefore you have to make sure you set a limit for it. Only allow a set time for going through social media content for the day. A good tool to use is the screen time tracking feature on apps which shows you exactly how long you spend on an app. If your screen time is too high, it would be wise to decrease your usage.


Make sure you find and prioritise time to connect with friends, family co-workers and classmates. There are many more ways to stay connected nowadays than there were before. You can hold stream parties to connect with friends and video calls to connect with loved ones. Technology has made it easier to stay in touch with people.


If you feel as though therapy can benefit you, reach out to mental health professionals and schedule an appointment. Therapy has evolved and can be done online or in person. You can pick what works best for you. Do not be afraid of therapy as it is there to make your life better.
Image from Pinterest
Image from Pinterest
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Posted Feb 8, 2024

Created a series of informative tips to help young adults navigate mental health challenges and integrating personal experiences.






Project Manager


Social Content Design



Kiara Pillay

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