The Importance of Witches

Alison Mae Byrne



Creative Writer

Blog Writer

G Suite


The most radical and defiant act you can do right now is to unlearn all the things that society taught you so that you can fully embody the person you’re put on this earth to be. Mystics, psychics, shamans, and witches are here to help others communicate with the unseen so they may have peace and align with their individual truths. Most of us use our gifts in service of others in the hopes that through our gifts, others will feel empowered to make changes and live the life that their soul desires.
Everything about American society and capitalism is meant to separate you from your soul, your beliefs, and your desires. You are meant to think of yourself only as a worker, and not as anything else. If you do not contribute to capitalism through your energy and time, the two most valuable resources on earth, then you are worthless and do not deserve to be around other “functioning” people. It’s an impossible choice. You participate or you’re out, excommunicated from the pack, left to be shamefully homeless and beg for every meal.
The way we currently measure a person’s worth is by their net worth, which downright sucks. Most of us have been pushed into a way of life that we didn’t ask for and then are forced to participate by doing things to further along a society we don’t agree with out of fear of death or worse, poverty. In our world, many people choose death over facing poverty or failure. Dude. That’s SO toxic!!

Okay, so… what do we do about this?

Since the COVID pandemic, we’ve seen a radical shift in the way people see their place in American society. For example, many of us realized that the 40-hour work week is unsustainable and that we would prefer to have free time than continue to give all our valuable resources to corporations who don’t give us anything but illness in return. We want time with family, with nature, and we want a promising future for the generations behind us, which means that we need to change our lifestyle.
We need. To. Change. As a whole species, we need to change our behavior, but this is especially true for the United States. Cue the spiritual awakening.

What is a spiritual awakening, exactly?

A spiritual awakening is an identity shift that results in a change of behavior and outlook. It entails becoming conscious of your thoughts, patterns, and behaviors so that you can kill off the habits that no longer serve you. By getting rid of the habits that keep you stuck, you have room to grow new habits to take their place! As you continue to evolve by pruning bad habits and replacing them with healthier ones, you start to intuitively know when it’s time to let things go so you can start anew. As you get comfortable letting things come and go naturally, you become more in tune with your own growth patterns and how you fit into the cycles of nature and life. (Eventually, this leads to enlightenment, but most people stop before they get there.)
Once you become more in tune with the cycles that rule the natural world, you realize that the life we are asked to live in the US is in direct opposition to the way our bodies and souls are designed to live. We are not meant to go into an office and work under fluorescent lights for 8 hours per day. We are not meant to forego all our needs to serve the greed of a few men.
Once you start to see that the world that we are all living is made up bullshit and that there are other ways to live, a veil is lifted and there is no way you can unsee what is revealed. Once you reach this point, you have a choice. You can decide to forget what you know and continue to live by your programming and conditioning, or you can decide to continue your spiritual awakening/ identity shift journey. I once heard that nobody changes until the pain of staying the same is greater than the fear of change, and it does seem that we have collectively reached a tipping point.

Here is where the witches and mystics come in.

Witches wait at the bridge between worlds to help you cross through your spiritual awakening to the other side. Like Hekate, the goddess of witchcraft, we are here with our torches, waiting to light the way. We cross through the tunnel of the dark night of the soul so many times that we know it like the back of our hands. We know what lives here, and we have the tools to help you defend yourself against the things that go “bump” in the night. This is what makes us so magical. It’s also why we are feared.
Witches and mystics have access to knowledge that many others do not have, and that is intimidating to many, but it is also exactly what attracts others. Our gifts are varied, each of us with a unique set, like a fingerprint. Individually witches use our spheres of genius to attract people with similar gifts who are experiencing a spiritual awakening. This is precisely why witches are needed during this in-between time, and why I say we are amid The Great Witch Awakening.
So many witches and mystics are being called to the forefront to speak out and share their gifts because humanity is waking up at a rate that we have never seen before. Technology has allowed us to see the suffering of our brothers and sisters across the globe, we understand that the planet is dying, and have become aware that we cannot continue the way we have been living. So many of us are working so hard but remain in poverty, but we see a small group of others living in luxury while many of us lack access to basic healthcare, and it all feels very unjust. So, we are being called collectively to lift our torches and light the way so that people can come home to themselves because when they remember who they are, they take back their power.
As we know through the law of correspondence, as above, so below. Thus, if changes happen on an individual level, they will also happen on a collective level. By assisting individuals through their dark night of the soul, we are helping elevate the collective consciousness which will hopefully be enough before we destroy ourselves through war or climate change. This is a grassroots effort to change the world by assisting others who are healing themselves.

So what?

I said this in my first article, but I know that humanity’s next phase in evolution is a spiritual one. We are meant to reconnect to our divinity and return to our jobs of protecting the earth instead of stealing from her. This, of course, will take a long time, but nevertheless, it has become time for many people to begin to uplevel their consciousness.
At a time when it feels like torture to turn on the news, but to close your eyes to the suffering of humanity is impossible and yet you feel helpless, it is time to make a change. When Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” this is what he meant. To change the world, you must change yourself and the world will reflect that change back to you.
As a witch, I know this to be true because I have experienced it and continue to experience it every day. Every person can manipulate their experience with their mind, but first, they must unlearn the programming society has embedded into their subconscious. Once awakened, humans realize that we are part divine and that to honor that divinity within they must take their power back from the institutions and people who have taken it without their knowledge.
The process of becoming spiritually awakened is a radical act of rebellion because the changes that must be made to accommodate a spiritually awakened human threaten the institutions that we take for granted. The things we currently consider “normal” must change.
Right now, there are still not enough of us accepting the challenge of stepping through an awakening to create a large-scale shift in the governments or corporations that rule the world, but we are getting there. This is why witches are crucial! We help people cross the bridge between an old way of being into a new one. Witches and mystics will help us envision a new future and usher in a more sustainable way of living, one that is heart-centered, built on a foundation of love and respect for all creation and led by regular degular people.
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Posted Nov 10, 2023

The most radical and defiant act you can do right now is to unlearn all the things that society taught you. Witches are here to help uncover your true self.







Creative Writer

Blog Writer

G Suite


Alison Mae Byrne

Creative Writer & Project Manager

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