Untitled Greek Mythology Musical Lyrics

Alison Mae Byrne


Lyrics Writer


Creative Writer

Ableton Live


My darling please let me go
You know I have to stand up to my foe
Facing my demons alone
You are much stronger than me
You will do well to move on, cant you see
You will be fine, you’re gutsy
You taught me to love
You gave me a life
It has been perfect
My life’s been perfect with you
This won’t be our last goodbye
When you look up at the sky
Oh, I will be there,
I will be there
Yes, I’ll be with you everywhere
You know that time has come
But know this is truly breaking my heart
We both know what is coming next
I’m not abandoning you
But you know that I must see this through
We both know what I must do
You taught me to love
You gave me a life
It has been perfect
My life’s been perfect with you
This won’t be our last goodbye
When you look up at the sky
Oh, I will be there,
I will be there
Yes, I’ll be with you everywhere
This won’t be our last goodbye
When you look up at the sky
Oh, I will be there,
I will be there
Yes, I’ll be with you everywhere
Look at me,
Look in my eyes for the very last time
Our hearts are one
You have made living my life so much fun
We have brought new life
It has been perfect
My life’s been perfect with you
Like this project

Posted Nov 10, 2023

Wrote & performed lyrics for a musical based on Greek Mythology. Here is an example of one of the songs!








Lyrics Writer


Creative Writer

Ableton Live


Alison Mae Byrne

Creative Writer & Project Manager

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