Website Rebranding

Prerak Trivedi

Web Designer
Product Designer
Web Developer
Pierre Carapetian Group Realty

I was tasked to redesign website of Pierre Carapetian Group, luxury real-estate group in Canada.

It was a challenging and fulfilling experience for me.

Site was receiving great traffic so I needed to make sure I don't miss any single page while redesigning in Figma. So I made a new sitemap in Notion.

Generally homepage receives the most traffic on any website and it was same in Pierre's case. So I kept that in mind while redesigning the homepage to keep it minimal and in-line with their new branding.

I created templates for pages that have redundant layout and used WordPress shortcodes to integrate information on new layout.

I use Elementor Pro page builder for designing those pages.

Integrated WishPond (a lead capture system they use) with new design. Though design needs to be updated at Wishpond's end, so I provided a mockup of how new forms should look.

The project took 3.5 months to complete.

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