Srileena Samaddar Saxena

User Researcher
UX Designer
UI Designer
Working at ARTPARK as a designer has been the most dynamic job profile I’ve ever had. One of the medical research teams saw the potential in me and offered me to help out with their project MIDAS to design the Front-End Workflow for their project. I wouldn’t be able to reveal all the details as I’ve signed an NDA, however, in my version of this project, I’d be able to take you through the process I went through to create this workflow.
MIDAS is short for medical Imaging Datasets, for India. This is a national joint initiative by ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), IISc (Indian Institute of Science) and ARTPARK (AI & Robotics Technology Park) to create high quality and standardised medical datasets representative of Indian population.The concept of MIDAS is based on the Hub & Spoke framework, meaning, there’s an information HUB (the MIDAS portal), and the information from the hub, is consumed by the respective stakeholders (SPOKES). A hub can have multiple spokes, here in MIDAS, there are four primary stakeholders/users:
Data Contributor: The party who’s uploading the data
Data Approver/Admin: The party responsible for vetting the data to be consumed
Data Consumer: The party on the opposite end of the contributor, who consumes the data
System Admin: Responsible for viewing registrations and assign roles to various users.
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