Blog Post (Lifestyle and Spirituality)

Madison Cuba


Blog Writer


What's your treasure?
Listen, 24 must be the year of humbling revelations! Right when I think I have found my way, I am led to unlearn old habits to implement new ones. I also just discovered that women tend to go through another transformative phase around this age. But that's beside the point today!
God doesn’t put something on your heart without reason. I have a newfound love for running to this digital journal to let my thoughts and experiences be public in hopes of reaching the right person. Ultimately, I want to constantly be chasing Jesus. I will always have so much growing to do, wisdom to gain, and life to experience that it is only right to invite everyone along for this rollercoaster ride.
A recent message was spoken about worship and treasure. And before the point was made, I was excited because the reoccurring theme in my life has been the idea of identity and what is being spiritually digested. The pastor speaking gave examples of what were once his treasured, most cherished items in life. These examples included buying an edgy guitar during his teenage rock phase - for it to be stolen and gone forever. Or working away for a brand new, shiny car, decked out with every available feature - just for it to be totaled and replaced with something of less charm. It’s interesting how we can want something with our whole being and after we get it, we wonder why we wanted this meaningless thing so badly to begin with. What was so special about it? How was it going to drastically solve all of our problems? Then, we go after the next item on our wish list. For instance, I once prayed (begging God) for a job because I thought this is where my purpose was. I thought that my occupation would be the only way I could serve God or make a spiritual wave. I laugh a little now when I think about how much value I placed on my job upon college graduation. I worked myself into such an anxious fit for no reason at all! In a year's time, I could be 2 jobs away from my current position, but this was once my treasure! And maybe romanticizing the world is what leads to the familiar discontentment and constant searching we all endure. It's a cycle of disappointment.

What is the source of wars and fights among you? Don't they come from your passions that wage war within you? You desire and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and wage war. You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and don't receive because you ask with the wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. James 4:1-3
Our frustrations derive from the areas of life where we do not invite God. The situations that have not been surrendered. We can’t take our diamond rings or Prada bags into Heaven - but why would we want to? Similar to my last post, I once treasured the idea of financial wealth, designer labels, exotic locations, carefully posted Instagram pics with numerous likes, boomerang diets to appease beachgoers during spring break, and a self-image that hurt more than it helped. These things that I once wanted to accumulate were actually tearing my spirit down. I’m a Christian, not just a consumer. I have been given life, so why would I idolize things that lead to self-destruction? God's grace and glory are difficult to find in a lifestyle based on greed and aesthetics. Let's face it, Christianity is usually not as polished as the typical influencer's luxurious narrative, but it is real and everlasting.
I’ve been carrying this message close to my heart because it’s been the perfect reassurance. One of the best parts of being a follower of Christ is seeing how God works in others. I recently attended a concert of one of my favorite Christian groups. It was beautiful to worship alongside so many strangers. I saw people from all walks of life be teary-eyed, surrendering to God. Hearing strangers, with whom all we share is that we live in the same county, admit their need for a Savior was unbelievable. I can just hear Chandler Moore belting out Jireh as we speak! It is an incredible thing to witness the people close to you realize that they are loved beyond measure by the Creator of love itself! I also find joy in knowing that it is up to me to be at peace or to be overwhelmed and anxious. What am I choosing to worry about? Dwell on? Focus on wholeheartedly? Do I look forward to things that are eternal and fruitful? Not only can I change my direction, but I can be a force for others to find their way as well. We all have a legacy we're creating now to leave behind later - what is yours? A recent Christmas musical with my mom worded it perfectly; the choices you make make you who you are!

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34
What is your treasure?
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Posted Feb 6, 2023

An example of posts I have created for personal, lifestyle, and spiritual blogs. I ensure blog content is an engaging experience for readers.






Blog Writer


Madison Cuba

She wrote, they read.

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