Our frustrations derive from the areas of life where we do not invite God. The situations that have not been surrendered. We can’t take our diamond rings or Prada bags into Heaven - but why would we want to? Similar to my last post, I once treasured the idea of financial wealth, designer labels, exotic locations, carefully posted Instagram pics with numerous likes, boomerang diets to appease beachgoers during spring break, and a self-image that hurt more than it helped. These things that I once wanted to accumulate were actually tearing my spirit down. I’m a Christian, not just a consumer. I have been given life, so why would I idolize things that lead to self-destruction? God's grace and glory are difficult to find in a lifestyle based on greed and aesthetics. Let's face it, Christianity is usually not as polished as the typical influencer's luxurious narrative, but it is real and everlasting.