I must admit, I was not excited to start another semester of bible study. Our move placed us further from the church, so Wednesdays require leaving after work to sit in traffic and put on a friendly smile for the women I do adore, but sometimes work moves my social battery to E (for empty). Initially, I felt like a hypocrite. They seemed to have a perfect balance, where everything in their lives had been figured out. I quickly came to realize that we are all searching, trying, and fighting for answers to achieve stability and peace in our lives - emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually. Now, we only have 2 studies left and I am thankful for the conversations I've had over the last few weeks. God is always on time, no matter how much I may or may not be in my bible or if I am heavily involved in church. I love that being a Christian requires you to be honest and genuine about these internal struggles. I felt so guilty that the things I used to look forward to, that gave me life, had almost become chore-like. And as I sat there in attendance with the slight shame of how far I had strayed, I found myself surrounded by women who were also struggling with similar issues in their relationships with God.