The right answer to the question of when is the best time to post on Instagram is not so easy to answer. After all, it is not only the time but also the day of the week that needs to be taken into account. Basically, you can say that there are days when more content is posted and also days when it is much quieter. Logically, it behaves like this: a majority of people work from Monday to Friday and have the weekend off. Especially when you start a new week from the days off (Monday) you are fully motivated to concentrate on your work. Even the breaks are used more to talk about the past weekend instead of scrolling on Instagram. Now you might think that thus the weekends themselves are much more suitable for posting on Instagram. Wrong thought! Because on weekends, people are more socially active, meaning they meet up with friends, go out to restaurants or otherwise keep themselves busy. But they don't have their cell phones in their hands again until much later.