Article Sea

Nina Koren



Content Writer



August. Summer finally arrived. And even if it is not pleasantly warm in every country and the sun isn ́t shining, you can already feel that summer is here. With the warm temperatures, or just with the cooler days, the wanderlust comes up in some people. Relaxing on the beach and enjoying the hot weather, sounds great right? But why are we so fascinated by the rather classic vacation? Why do the majority of people decide every year anew to go for the typical beach vacation?
It's 7 o'clock in the morning. Swimwear, drinks and sunscreen are packed in my big shoulder bag. I tuck the colorful towel under my arm. Normally I like to take my time in the morning to start the day relaxed, but today it didn't keep me in bed. I want to get out and breathe in the fresh sea air. Barely a few minutes on the road, the hot temperatures are already crushing me. My steps are getting faster.
The sea is only eleven minutes away from my accommodation. Just a few more minutes and I'm standing in the sand, in my flip- flops.
As a child I asked myself the question why so many people love the sea. Today, as an adult, I can only partially explain the answer for this fascination. For one thing, the sea is very wide and especially when you can't see the opposite side from the shore, it seems almost infinite. This vastness gives the feeling of boundless freedom. Freedom, that is something almost every one of us longs for. Free and powerful, definitely two terms with which you can associate the sea.
And even though there is a great number of people who long for and admire the sea, there are also those who fear this infinite expanse and, above all, depth. What lies at the bottom of the sea is not always clear and even researchers admit that we know only a small fraction of the secrets of the sea. To be honest, this thought also sends a cold shiver down my spine. And yet, curiosity outweighs ignorance. Because just because you don't know what's hiding doesn't mean it has to be something bad.
Of course,we also very often associate the sea with the vacation itself. It's warm, you can relax and finally enjoy your well-deserved free time. If you are one of the lucky people who get to go to the sea once a year, you appreciate this precious time. Especially if you spend your vacation days with your loved ones it's no surprise that you associate a lot of joy and love with the sea.
Water surrounds us. We consist to a large amount of water and for the full viability of all our organs we have to make sure that we drink enough water. This is exactly what we hear over and over again. Drinking enough water is important, everyone knows that by now. Naturally the sea seems so important to us. The fact is that water is of unspeakable value to our lives. Including the sea itself.
But not only our feelings and memories are reasons for the good reputation of the sea. One of the most important aspects is still the positive effect on the human body. Of course, a relaxed and balanced time has a beneficial effect on our soul and body, but also physical diseases such as allergies and asthma can be alleviated by the salty sea air. The salt has an anti-inflammatory effect and ensures clearer airways. In combination with regular exercise outside, you do your body good in many ways.
7 p.m. I'm sitting in a small restaurant near the harbor. After a wonderful day at the beach and a cold shower at the hotel, I now feel like a new person. With a large portion of tortellini and a cool drink, I now slowly let the evening fade away. I ́ll be flying back home in a few days. Until then, I want to enjoy every moment and get the best out of the remaining time. And an evening walk by the sea is part of it. Surprised?
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Posted Aug 19, 2021







Content Writer

Nina Koren

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