Edaly - AI Powered EdTech SaaS

Muhammad Faizan Khan

Software Architect

Live URL: https://edaly.co

AI Powered Live Exams Solutions

I was appointed as CTO to build this solution from scratch. I lead a team of 7 engineers and 2 designers to build and launch this product. The solution involves AWS AI powered exams proctoring solution for educators to embrace the power of remote education. Also we have developed AI model to predict the student career and skills which would help parents to explore their children potentials more accurately

SaaS Based Remote Platform

I also built them a SaaS based platform where educators and learners around the world can connect and join the remote education. This product will help educators to scale their business and as well as empower the learners to avoid the commute from one country or city and they can join the academics and be a part of next generation remote school right from their home

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