Sharing, a Factor of Sustainability in B2C

Rui Jorge Romão

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Sharing, a Factor of Sustainability in B2C

"Lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned" - Frank Sonnenberg.
The Context
Times are changing pretty fast. Inside companies, we are witnessing paradigm shifts at an ever-increasing pace. But Stakeholders feel that something is still missing.
Inequalities, ending them sounds utopian to us. They are the pebble in the gears of sustainability. Nobody wins with them.
This project is in an embryonic phase. There are no contacts made, only an outline of objectives and strategy.
The Idea
Communities should optimize resources. We mean precious goods, such as time and knowledge. We cannot reuse time, and we depend on generosity to acquire knowledge. But we can replicate them.
Sharing success in a community is priceless. Mentoring, coaching, and training are fundamentals. It is like being at a crossroads, and someone shows us what awaits at the end of each path.
The solution
A faster entry of more consumers into the B2C market is an important sustainability factor. Showing the path is the sustainable way to grow more and quickly.
If ending inequalities is a utopia, mitigating them is possible, easy, and fast.
The strategy is to invest with a focus on the schooling generations and young adults, creating a wave of skills and good choices. The elders are also welcome.
Sharing communities are not impossible.
Who can join this community?
Volunteering is central as a task force, but also as a trendsetter;
Successful companies in B2C as they benefit from sharing;
The State, by providing available human resources and facilities;
Everyone who feels marginalized or disadvantaged;
Where to intervene?
Examples of easy and quick improvements:
1. Access to more advanced study conditions;
2. Mentoring in the process of choosing studies;
3. Notions and good practices in managing personal finances;
4. Notions and good practices of family economy and consumption habits;
5. Access to Coaching;
6. Onboarding on the digital transition;
7. Access to professional training;
8. Internship opportunities;
Who wins with sharing?
Everyone wins, even those who invest part of their profits. The sustainability of B2C depends on the entry of more educated consumers with more purchasing power.


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