
Dhiman Seal

Software Architect
Software Engineer
Flutter Developer

SafeSyncIoT Dashboard

This repository holds the code for the Server, Database and UI components for the IoT project SafeSync IoT, for a safer, post-covid workspace.
SafeSync-IoT is a full-fledged Employee Management and IoT driven Contact-Tracing based Workspace Safety solution, with a Cross-Platform Dashboard in Flutter, Client-Server IoT communication, and a self-sufficient, local, SQL-based Database.
Utilizes Moor + SQL for a database that works across platforms
Utilizes bloc + Provider based State Management Architecture.
Utilizes both Material Design and Cupertino elements for UI building, as well as various other Open Source Packages as listed below.


Internal SQL-based Employee Management Database.
Real-Time Attendance Tracking.
Real-Time (IoT utilized) Logs.
Detailed statistics about Employees and their work ethic.


Real Time Logs: Employee Safety Statistics:
Dynamic Employee information Storage: Supporting Utilities:
Full Fledged Employee Management System:

Dependencies Used

material for UI
simple_animations for UI animations
page_transition for page transition animations
moor and supporting Libraries for Cross Platform SQL Database Handling
sqflite and supporting Libraries for SQL Database 3. sqlite3_flutter_libs helper dependency for sqflite in Flutter 4. sqflite_common_ffi developer dependency that provides SQL ffi File handling capability to desktop platform
undo for facilitating Moor-based SQL database through bloc State Management
bloc and flutter_bloc for State Management
provider for less intensive State Management
path_provider for File Handling
permission_handler (only required to build for mobile devices)
url_launcher for launching URLs, including mailto: links
build_runner developer dependency for building Moor database tables
build_web_compilers used as a development dependency for users of package:build who want to run code in a browser (Flutter Web)
http package for mock request testing.
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