Designs for Artist paintings

Amey Sonavani


Visual Artist

Visual Designer

Content Writer



Instagram Ads

An Indian canvas artist approached me with a problem which he was facing. It was a small problem yet an integral part of his skill. He asked me to use visual imagination to use his paintings on walls of his customers home/office. It was a turnkey project where I and a photographer clicked photos of the artist's paintings and his clients site. We clubbed it together to show a visual representation of how the paintings It helped the client narrow down his search.
I created almost 95 such designs for the artist. It helped him increase his sales by 5% YoY and also reduce the selection time to 3 days from the usual 1 week.
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Posted Mar 26, 2023

Visual designs of walls and paintings painted by the artist helped the artist increase his sales - online and offline by 5% YoY.






Visual Artist

Visual Designer

Content Writer



Instagram Ads

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