Confessions of a Closet Star Trek Fan

Clara Mathews



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Image via Wikipedia

Shsss….Don’t Tell Anyone, But I Like Star Trek

NO, I don’t wear the pointy ears, have a USS Enterprise uniform nor can I do that “Live Long & Prosper” Vulcan thing with my fingers. But I do like Star Trek.
Back in the 60’s when the world was a crazy place, with segregated schools, civil rights marches and the Vietnam War, Gene Roddenberry wrote a script about a time when such things were unheard of. And in the midst of all that craziness, there she was, Lt. Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) sitting confidently and beautifully on the bridge of a Star Ship in the 23rd century.
So maybe Star Trek can be a Chick Flick after all. Lt. Uhura was not the only female icon on Star Trek. In the season 1 episode “The Cage” where Captain Pike and his crew are lured to Talos IV, Majel Barrett was Number One. (I hope this little bit of trivia doesn’t label me a hopeless trekkie).
I don’t want to get all philosophical on you, but the original series had several episodes with thinly veiled anti-war messages. That being said, I like Star Trek for other reasons.
OK…I AM the Chick Flicks girl, but I LOVE special effects! It looks hokey now, but in 1970, that Transporter effect was incredible. When you compare that to some of the other “paper mache“, high school musical quality special effects you saw on TV in those days, you would know what I am talking about.
Since then, there have 4 TV series and at least 7 movies based on Gene Roddenberry’s original Star Trek series. So admit it you like Star Trek too.
The J. J. Abrams’ version of story of Captain James T. Kirk, Spock and the crew of the USS Enterprise, before they had boldly gone where no man had gone before will be in theaters May 9th. I will be there. I will be the one WITHOUT the pointed ears.

Are you a closet Star Trek lover too? What is your favorite thing about the show?

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Posted Nov 12, 2024

I wrote a blog post on my personal website, Just Chick Flicks, about the reasons I love Star Trek.







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Clara Mathews

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