7 Reasons You Should Watch Poldark

Clara Mathews




Blog Writer

Google Docs


There are some television shows that just seem to gather a legend of loyal fans. They blog about them, tweet about and talk about them to anyone who will listen. Shows such as:

The Crown
[And you know how I feel about Mad Men!]
In the throes of my Mad Men withdrawals, I found a new TV obsession…


This PBS Masterpiece Theatre and Mammoth Film production, starring Aidan Turner and Eleanor Tomlinson is just what the doctor ordered.
The remake of the 1970’s show was a smash hit on BBC earlier this year and on PBS Masterpiece Theatre this summer. The cast is currently filming season 5
The first season of Poldark is based on Ross Poldark and Demelza, the first two novels of Winston Graham’s 12 book Poldark saga.

A Hero Returns

Poldark is the story of Ross Poldark, a country gentleman in 18th century Cornwall, England. Because of some youthful hijinks (gambling and smuggling to name a few), he is conscripted into the British army to put down the rebels in the American colonies.
More than 4 years go by and everyone back home believes he’s dead, including the beautiful Elizabeth, the girl he left behind.
When Ross returns from the war with an injured leg and a jagged scar on his face he learns that his father has died, and his estate is in debt and in ruins. (Warning: Spoilers ahead…*Affiliate Disclaimer: This page might contain some affiliate links)
He wasn’t back in Cornwall a whole day before he learns that his sweetheart, Elizabeth is engaged to marry his cousin, Francis.
What Ross does after this is what makes Poldark so compelling. He is a complicated man who does not conform to the rules of society or tolerate injustice. In each of the eight episodes, you see Ross struggle to make his way in the world, no matter what trouble that may bring him.
In a time when class distinctions were very clearly drawn, Ross Poldark straddled the lines between the gentry and the working class. His stubbornness causes Ross constant problems.
We follow Ross’ adventures, from his impetus marriage to his scullery maid, Demelza to his destain and squabbles with for the newly rich Warleggans.

If you missed this fantastic period drama, here are 7 reasons you should watch Poldark:

Windswept Cornwall

Poldark is filmed on location in Cornwall. I have to admit that I am not that familiar with English geography, but apparently, Cornwall is along the northern coast. Throughout the eight episodes of Poldark, the Cornish coast plays a supporting role with its lush rolling landscapes and rugged coastline.
The beautiful and windswept cliffs of Cornwall keep Aidan’s naturally curly hair in almost constant motion.


While well-deserved praise is heaped upon Aidan Turner for his portrayal of Ross Poldark, let’s not overlook the beautiful Eleanor Tomlinson who plays Demelza Carne.
Ross finds Demelza, a half-starved teenager, and her dog, Garrick at the Redmouth Faire. He soon hires her as a kitchen maid. Through the eight episodes, you see her character go from uneducated street urchin to the belle of the ball.

The Love Triangle

Like I said, when Ross returned from battle, the lovely (disloyal) Elizabeth is already engaged to Ross’ rich cousin Francis. Money talks.
For Ross, Elizabeth is his first true love. She is beautiful, elegant and refined. He is devastated and drinks almost all of the brandy and port in Cornwall. But before he knows what hit him, the wild and wonderful miner’s daughter, Demelza warms her way into Ross’ heart.
You never forget your first love and Elizabeth (played by Heidi Reed) continues to hold a spot in Ross’ heart. But will it last?

Will he ever truly love Demelza?
Or will he still long for Elizabeth?
These are the moments that will make you fall in love with Poldark.

Beautiful Gowns & Lavish Balls

Do you love period dramas, with their lush ball gowns, powdered wigs and, fancy balls?
From Jud and Prudie’s ragged servant’s outfits, the miner’s work clothes to the beautiful silk gowns at the Warleggan’s ball and the fitted velvet waistcoats and tricorn hats, the costumes in Poldark a fabulous.

Fortunes Won and Lost

When Ross Poldark left to fight in the American War, his father was a rich country squire with lands and two thriving copper mines. But the economy can change quickly. Ross’ father, Joshua fell ill and didn’t handle his business.
The mines are not being worked and Ross is so broke he has to pawn what few family treasures he has left. But don’t count him out yet.
Over the course of the 12 Poldark novels, Ross goes from poverty to riches more than once.

Aidan Turner’s Hair

From riding his horse along the rugged and windblown cliffs of Cornwall to getting in fights with Illogan miners, Aidan Turner’s hair is a vision to behold. Truly. His luscious, dark and curly hair is a force of nature and should have been listed in the credits.
In fact, it was incredible enough to inspire me to create a Twitter account dedicated to his lovely locks. Follow me on Twitter @AidansHair.

Aidan Turner

Aidan Turner is an extremely talented and extremely good-looking Irish actor. He was their first and only choice to play the main character, Ross Poldark. >> All About Aidan Turner
You may recognize him as Kili in The Hobbit movies. My readers in the UK know him as Mitchell, the sexy vampire from Being Human and as Dante Gabriel Rossetti in Desperate Romantics.
You know how I feel about vampire movies, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of Aidan Turner.
*Affiliate Disclaimer: This page might contain some affiliate links. That means if you purchase these products or services via these links I will receive a small commission. Hopefully, it will be enough to pay for my monthly Netflix bill and maybe buy me some cute shoes. I only recommend or suggest products and/or services that I use or think will you will like. This does not affect or influence my views and opinions on the article I write about.
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Posted Nov 12, 2024

Wrote a blog post on my personal website about the PBS Masterpiece Theatre TV series based on the first two novels of Winston Graham.








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