Intentionally Erased | A Call to Men

Esteban Arellano


Graphic Designer

Web Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop


“Intentionally Erased” is a new documentary from A Call to Men spotlighting four Black trans women in conversation with Black cisgender men. The film is a series of honest, heart-wrenching interactions that uplift the experiences, challenges, and humanity of Black trans women in the United States.
I led the design of the project's digital platform — building a brand guide and interactive website from the ground up on Framer. As the film is meant to educate a broad audience, the website design complements the educational material with a simple design that draws from the non-profit's key colors.
The website is intended to supplement screening events, providing attendees with a recap of the film, key definitions, statistics, and opportunities to support the community. From a technical standpoint, the website is optimized for various device breakpoints and implements CMS to power a scalable database of trans history events. I used bold but approachable motion elements to bring this educational opportunity to life with an eye towards accessibility across devices and abilities.
Interactive Definition Menu
Interactive Definition Menu

See me as family. See me as kin. Don’t see my gender. Don’t see my sexuality. Don’t see my trans. I’m still Black… We need to build a foundation of Blackness, of all Black people because the system is set up against us. They will come together to stand against us but we need to figure out how to come together to stand against them.”

Interactive Timeline of Erased Black Trans Histories (powered by CMS)
Interactive Timeline of Erased Black Trans Histories (powered by CMS)
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An interactive landing page for "Intentionally Erased" — a new documentary by A Call to Men highlighting the experiences of Black trans women in the U.S.






Graphic Designer

Web Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop


Esteban Arellano

Designer. Artist. Community builder.

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