Kids e-learning mobile app

Abhishek Bhambhu

Graphic Designer
Product Manager
Project Manager
As a Product Manager, led the development of a kids e-learning mobile app. The app targets kids under 5 years of age where they can learn and turning kids’ screen time into an independent learning experience.
The app includes, letter tracing games, drag and drop games, flashcards, coloring books, and even musical videos to keep your child entertained while learning at the same time. The app was developed with both the English and Armenian languages in mind. Parents can simply choose which dialect they would like their child to learn in the settings menu.
The app also takes into consideration that some of the exercises may be too difficult or parents simply want to reward their children after an accomplishment, which is why we have added a setting in the app that allows parents to lock certain games until they feel their young ones are ready for them.
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