Fintech app for at-risk students

Abhishek Bhambhu

Graphic Designer
Product Manager
Project Manager
The Fintech app focuses on empowering millions of girls who are sexually exploited by sugar daddies, teachers, and employers in exchange for tuition fees, passing courses, and jobs. The app innovates solutions to ensure all girls and young women can access safe, affordable funding for their tuition, living expenses, or enterprise ideas. We support young women directly through student loans and personal empowerment features, including mentorship, counseling, safeguarding support, budgeting tools, and positive social networking support.
As a Product Manager, I worked on features such as:
Mentorship platform: Aims as connecting at-risk students with mentors who can guide the students in their educational and professional journey.
Credit Score: These at-risk students do not have credit scores and hence cannot approach traditional banks for loans to pursue education or their own ventures. We built a proxy credit score based on behavioral analysis of the students and provide loans to the high performers.
Gigs: The students who took loans to complete their education will require jobs to repay the loans and lead a successful life. We incorporated a gig platform where they can find jobs.
Health: We partnered with preventative health firms and health insurance firms to provide for the healthcare needs for the students.
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