This project was built with:

Ana Catita


Interaction Designer

2D Animator

Motion Designer

Adobe Illustrator


Personal Project: Concept I Illustration I Rive animation I Interaction
My study as a Duolingo user to try to understand what they do within Rive in a way that I become better at what I do! For that I had to use the app a loooooot, read their blog articles and play extensively with Rives state machine to try to figure out Duolingo's dirtiest secrets.
I don't know if they do things the way I did, probably not, but my goal was to be able to replicate the app a bit, learn and show what I am able to do while adding my own twist and small interactive suggestions to this iconic app.
So please play with the different interactions, and learn a bit of what actually matters as an immigrant in Germany!
You can play with the file directly here above!
Character Design and Visemes
Character Design and Visemes
Character rig
Iddle + incorrect + correct states

Feel free to play with the file directly bellow!

If you want to know more about the creative process and project scope please go to the link bellow to see the full explanation.
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Posted Aug 13, 2024

Personal Study based on Duolingo App, trying to reproduce core app the features and adding my own suggestions.






Interaction Designer

2D Animator

Motion Designer

Adobe Illustrator


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