Saas website redesign

Kunaaal K

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer

Rework AI - Supercharge Hiring

Let’s explore how I redesigned AI hiring website for a startup.

✨About Rework AI

Rework is a SaaS product for supercharge hiring, landing into the market as a startup.


Redesign the existing website to make it presentable for the initial customers & stake holders..
Old design
Old design


Our design journey involved iterative refinement, incorporating valuable feedback from stakeholders and rigorous user testing.

🫤 Discover

Did research to understand user preferences and industry benchmarks.

🤔 Define

Utilizing the gathered data, we defined specific redesign requirements.

😊 Design

Focusing on user experience, we crafted the visionary website design.

🤑 Deliver

Successfully completed the project hand off to the development team.



Wireframing laid the blueprint for our website, mapping out the optimal layout and functionality before diving into the visual design.

Styles and components

By creating systems and components, I streamlined my process, enabling me to prioritize craftsmanship over unnecessary challenges and complexities.

Final Design

👉Final words

Through my involvement in the SaaS product, I gained invaluable insights into information architecture, design elements, accessibility, and user interactions. The experience in website and product revamps has equipped me to create promising solutions for enhancing the user experience.
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