Proof read Judith Lieber website

Boni N.


QA Tester




Google Docs

Microsoft Office 365

For this project, I did QA for Judith Leiber's Hebrew website. I made a detailed list of all the flaws I could find in the wording and looks of the site. Hebrew is written from right to left, and the language is complex to translate, so many mistakes are not that obvious to a non-native speaker. It was challenging and fun! I feel blessed to work with this company's team!
Judith Leiber Web QA
Home page
Is the text beneath the pop up supposed to be there? “PROMO MODAL…”?
The Hebrew on the bottom is weird, but might be okay legally speaking.
The writing on the picture is just a filename or something.
The PROMO section at the bottom half of the main page is still in english.
The “read more” boxes underneath the “blog” section are not even.
עלינו -> אודותינו
On us -> About us
בקר באתר האינטרנט שלנו בארה"ב -> בקרו באתר הרשמי שלנו (ארה"ב)
(Male) Visit our webpage in America -> (Gender neutral) Visit our official website (USA)
What’s new
Heart buttons are cute, but you can’t go look at the content you’ve hearted. The loading screen before the error message says “Title, body…”
Error screen is ok. Button to go back to shopping works.
When on a product page, the words “color, amount” are written with dotting, it’s an elementary school way of writing, looks goofy.
צֶבַע -> צבע
כַּמוּת -> כמות
Never accept translation with dotting, it’s usually machine.
Recommendations at the bottom of the page sound a bit funny. 
אולי גם תאהב… -> אולי תאהבו גם… (changed to the gender neutral, ungoofy version) 
Some colors you can choose from are dotted too. Please do not leave any dotted characters it’s unprofessional. 
The style tabs are goofy too
טריות -> רעננים \ פרשיים \ חדשניים (Depends what you meant)
מצמד -> קלאץ'
תיק קרוס גוף -> תיק צד
I don’t know what you mean by the word in the title
When I press the “Shipping and returns” tab on any item page, it shows this message that looks weird.
There’s a $ mid sentence, and it is unclear how to contact the “code”.
On the “contact us” page change
שֵׁם -> שם
On the FAQ and delivery tabs change prices from HK$1,200 to the NIS equivalent. 
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Posted Feb 6, 2023

For this project, I did QA for Judith Leiber's Hebrew website. I made a detailed list of all the flaws I could find in the wording and looks of the site.






Judith Leiber


QA Tester




Google Docs

Microsoft Office 365

Boni N.

Passionate reader and writer

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