Feature Description ⚙️ Architecture The system is a conversational agent combining REST APIs, Search and Recommendation systems built with Python. It utilizes Python scripts, Jupyter Notebook, and Docker for deployment. 📄 Documentation The repository lacks a comprehensive README.md file, providing a detailed explanation of the system. Absence of inline comments make it hard to understand the modules' purpose. 🔗 Dependencies The system extensively relies on external libraries such as Pydantic, FAISS, OpenAI, Pinecone, DuckDuckGo, and much more for operating its functionalities. 🧩 Modularity The system is loosely coupled and separated into several scripts, each responsible for handling a certain aspect, making it adaptable, understandable, and maintainable. 🧪 Testing The system uses pytest as a testing framework but lacks any presence of dedicated test cases to validate its functionality. ⚡️ Performance The system's performance heavily relies on the efficiency of GPT AI model & Pinecone search engine, hence can be inferred to be performant. But it lacks performance testing or benchmarking. 🔐 Security There aren't any explicit security measures found. The system being API based, needs to ensure critical information is sanitized before processing. 🔀 Version Control The repository lacks specific version control strategy as there's absence of branches, tags or even comprehensive commit messages. 🔌 Integrations The system integrates with various Python libraries, APIs, GPT AI model, and Walmart's product data, supporting the bot functionalities. 📶 Scalability The system is scalable due to its loosely coupled design that would support future enhancements, provided there is efficient error handling and architectural improvements.